Tuesday, November 23, 2010

December Monthly Luncheon

Modern Bus Rapid Transit
by Edgar Perez
ITE Western District President

Tuesday, December 7, Noon
Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

RSVP by Friday, December 3, to Nicole Knox, ITE Alaska Treasurer, at nknox@rmconsult.com or 646-9647.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid Members & guests, and Free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.

Meeting Agenda

1.      Welcome & Officer Introductions
2.      Secretary Report - Rob
a.      Web Site/Blog/Facebook Status
3.      Treasurer’s Report – Nicole
4.      2011 Conference Update
a.      Local Area Committee – Joann or Anne
5.      SocialITE
a.      Adopt a family - Colin
6.      Other
a.      E-week activities - Nicole
b.      Parking Survey – by e-mail
7.      Committees
8.      Membership
9.      Presentation – Karthik

Next meeting scheduled for January 11, 2011
Meeting Minutes

Officers Present:                  P Josh Cross – President
P Karthik Murugesan - Vice President
                                                            P Nicole Knox - Treasurer
                                                            P Robert DeVassie - Secretary
                                                            P Jennifer Satterfield - Past President

General Attendance:  37

Treasurer’s report: $6,574.29
ONGOING/Old Business:
  • Alaska ITE Blog
  • 2011 Conference Update (July 10-13)
  • Increasing membership
  • Professional Licenses changes, please continue to review

New Business:
·        SocialITE
o   Adopt a family: Due Wednesday, December 15th, asking for cash donations to help buy gifts for a family with two 10 year old girls.  Items needing are gas, food, household items, and toys.
·        E-week is on Feb 20-26, 2011, some activities needing volunteers are Bayou Bash, student tours, and student competitions.
·        Next meeting scheduled for January 11, 2011


Presentation Title: Modern Bus Rapid Transit
Presented By: Edgar Perez, ITE Western District President

Edgar talked about the many benefits the Bus Rapid Transits (BRT) can bring to a congested community.  The presentation was full of slides of different BRTs around the world and how they use them in large cities to traveling from community to community.  He also compared the BRT to the Light Rail Transit (LRT) and the pros and cons of each.  His resent project that he was a part of, was the sbX e-street corridor BRT project traveling between Cal State-San Bernardino, Downtown San Bernardino, Hospitality Lane and Loma Linda destinations.  Visit the site at www.estreet-sbx.com.