Context Sensitive Solutions
by Dwayne Adams
Tuesday, November 2, Noon
Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive
RSVP by Friday, October 29, to Nicole Knox, ITE Alaska Treasurer, at or 646-9647.
Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid Members & guests, and Free for students.
An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.
Meeting Agenda1. Secretary - Rob
a. Web Site/Blog/Facebook Status
2. Treasurer’s Report – Nicole
3. 2011 Conference Update
a. Local Area Committee – Joann or Anne
4. Other
a. Election Day – Make sure to vote
b. Zaki is nominated for International Representative
5. Committees
a. EOTY – Don Porter
6. Membership
a. Membership Drive
7. Presentation – Karthik
Dwayne Adams is the head of Community Development and Environmental Services at USKH and was formerly the president of Land Design North. He is a Fellow in the American Society of Landscape Architects and is a lecturer for Site Design in the Northern Design Course taught at UAA. He has received training through FHWA in Context Sensitive Solutions and has overseen designs that have provided “context sensitive’ results for numerous road projects throughout Anchorage and other Alaska communities.
Meeting Minutes
Officers Present: x Josh Cross – President (absent)
P Karthik Murugesan - Vice President
P Nicole Knox - Treasurer
P Robert DeVassie - Secretary
P Jennifer Satterfield - Past President
General Attendance: 50
Treasurer’s report: $6,574.29
ONGOING/Old Business:
- 2011 Conference Update
- Increasing membership
- Soliciting for volunteers for committee members
- Legislative
- Continuing Education
- Election Day. Get out and vote!
New Business:
· ITE Blog poll announced
· E-week – Engineer of the Year nominations
· Next meeting speaker: Edgar Perez, Western District President
Presentation Title: Context Sensitive Solutions
Presented By: Dwayne Adams, USKH, Inc. formerly the President of Land Design North
The presentation coved the approach, background of the NEPA process, NCHRP 480, and looking at the direction in Anchorage. Dwayne discussed what the intended results were using CSS and how it applies, and how to use it in a concept and design study report. The affects in design and construction, key elements, and tools of public process were discussed and questions answered at the end.