Good Morning ITE Alaska Section,
Please see the following announcements:
1. Engineers Week 2011 is fast approaching! As just one of the many activities being held during E-Week, local engineers will be needed February 22 - March 3, 2011 to speak to students at elementary, middle, and high schools. We are looking for volunteers to speak about engineering, math, science, technology, and other related fields. Our goal is to make the students aware of how engineers impact our lives on a daily basis. Speaking in local schools is an opportunity for you to inform the kids about engineering and have fun while doing it! If you are interested in speaking, please send your complete contact information along with your field of engineering or specialty area to Nicole Knox at
2. Melissa Mormilo invites ITE members to the upcoming January SWE meeting. The January SWE meeting is all about activities and ideas to help the engineering community share our profession with the community at large. Over the years, they have coordinated many outreach events and are willing to share activities (directions, supply lists, lessons learned) with our members. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 12 at the DOWL HKM conference room on 4041 B Street. Please contact Melissa for more information, and RSVP her at
3. The Anchorage E-Week Steering Committee hopes that you will join in supporting National Engineers Week with a monetary donation towards E-Week 2011. Funds are used to supplement local volunteer efforts for activities such as student competitions, displays, Engineer of the Year award, a banquet and various scholarships. Please see the attached fundraising letter and contact Karthik Murugesan at for more information.
4. International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) has an upcoming training opportunity. A Traffic Signal Level II Design course will be held Feb. 24-25, 2011. Please contact Val Rader for more information about the course and how to register,
Thanks! Please feel free to share the announcements with co-workers and colleagues who might be interested.