Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Engineers Week 2011

ITE Members,

Engineers Week  2011  is on February 20-26. The Anchorage E-Week Steering Committee with the sponsorship of local engineering societies, promote engineering and recognizes our local engineers in the community. We organize numerous activities in Anchorage such as student competitions, displays, Engineer of the Year award, a banquet and fund various scholarships.

We hope that you will join us in supporting National Engineers Week by donating towards E-Week 2011. Please see attached PDF.

Thank you for your commitment to promote and advance Engineering.


Karthik Murugesan, Vice President

December 13, 2010

Dear Sir/Madam:

Annually, local engineering societies promote engineering and recognize our local engineers in the community. We organize numerous activities in Anchorage such as student competitions, scholarships, displays, Engineerof-
the-Year Award, a banquet, and various other activities.

We hope you will join us in supporting National Engineers Week. Your contribution will support the scholarship fund and other activities that make Engineers Week worthwhile. Any amount will be appreciated, but please consider donating at one of the following levels:

Leadership $1,000 or more
Diamond $500 - $999
Platinum $300 – $499
Gold $200 - $299
Silver $100 - $199

Contributions of $100 or more will be acknowledged in our “thank you” ad in Alaska Designs and will be listed in the banquet program. Contributors at the Leadership and Diamond levels will also receive special recognition at the Engineers Week Banquet on February 26, 2011.

General donations should be made payable to Engineers Week and scholarship donations to “Alaska Engineering Education Fund” (AEEF) (Tax ID: EIN 92-0163845) and mail to:

Engineers Week
c/o Don Dent, P.E., P.L.S.
2064 Belair Drive
Anchorage, AK 99517

Your contribution may be sent any time; however, to ensure a listing in this year’s program, it must be received by February 8, 2011. Thank you for considering our request. Please contact Karthik Murugesan at or (907) 257-7522 if you have any questions.


Don Dent, E-Week Treasurer 
Karthik Murugesan, E-Week Fundraising Chair