Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Engineers Week 2011

ITE Members,

Engineers Week  2011  is on February 20-26. The Anchorage E-Week Steering Committee with the sponsorship of local engineering societies, promote engineering and recognizes our local engineers in the community. We organize numerous activities in Anchorage such as student competitions, displays, Engineer of the Year award, a banquet and fund various scholarships.

We hope that you will join us in supporting National Engineers Week by donating towards E-Week 2011. Please see attached PDF.

Thank you for your commitment to promote and advance Engineering.


Karthik Murugesan, Vice President

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

SocialITE Adopt-a-Family

Hello all,

Since the holiday season is a time to give and be thankful, what could be better than giving to those who have a little less to be thankful for than you?  With that in mind the SocialITEs have decided to participate in the Adopt-a-Family program this year.  For those unfamiliar, the AAF program is run through the Salvation Army, who matches those willing and able to help out with families from around the Anchorage community who are in need.  We were matched with a 3-person family, a single mother and her two 10-year old daughters.  Their needs are very simple and really make you appreciate some things you may take for granted.

If you would like to donate or have any questions about the program please contact Karthik, Colleen, or myself (contact information below) by the end of this week.  Keep in mind our deadline for making the donation is next Tuesday so we would like to have things pretty well handled by this weekend.  Please come talk to one of us before buying a gift as we will be coordinating who gets what to avoid having doubles of some items.  Cash/check donations are encouraged, and we can provide you with a receipt upon request for those wanting to take advantage of the tax deductions.

Also, I would like to thank all of you who donated at the meeting today, we raised over $200!  A great start that we would like to keep rolling.  It really speaks to the generosity and caring of those in our Anchorage community that our ITE members have and will make a big difference in the lives of this family.  THANK YOU!

Collin Pennington, SocialITEs President (
Karthik Murugesan, ITE Alaska Vice President (
Colleen Wilt, SocialITEs Treasurer (

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Parking Habits Research Survey

ITE Members,

Please see below for a brief survey on parking habits being conducted by Richard Harney, a Master’s student at the University of Alaska, Southeast

Parking is a topic that is generally reviewed for compliance, based on prescriptive codes or regulations.  Areas that develop heavy amounts of congestion begin to re-review parking supply and demand only after it becomes a problem.  The research that has been reviewed focuses around the amount of parking, location of parking, and how to increase/decrease the amount based on the level of multimodal transportation methods being advocated for. Research identifying if the quantity of available parking spaces influence the amount of customers has not been found.  This is the question that will be investigated.

This survey will only be available for a week. The findings from this study may be shared with the membership at a future date.