Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Food Bank of Alaska Fundraiser a Success!

Thank you members and friends of the ITE Alaska Section for donating over $130 at our December lunch meeting to benefit the Food Bank of Alaska! With the ITE Alaska Section match of $100, we were able to donate a total of $234.65.

This is the equivalent of 1,173 pounds of food using the Food Bank’s $1=5 lbs of food to partner agencies formula.
Food Bank of Alaska believes that no one deserves to be hungry. Since 1979, we have been securing donated food for nonprofit agencies to distribute to hungry Alaskans.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

December Lunch Meeting

Northern Access to University-Medical
(UMED) District

Stewart Osgood, P.E.

DOWL HKM President

When: Tuesday, December 3  2013, Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, November 29, 2013 to Susan Melton-Acheson at s.melton-acheson@lounsburyinc.com
or 272-5451.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.

Friday, November 1, 2013

November Lunch Meeting

Glenn Highway - Hiland to Artillery Capacity Improvements


Tom Dougherty, P.E.

ADOT&PF Construction Engineer


Brian Schumacher, P.E.

ADOT&PF Project Manager

When: Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, November 1, 2013 to Susan Melton-Acheson at s.melton-acheson@lounsburyinc.com
or 272-5451.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Professional Development Workshop - Nov. 17, 2013

In conjunction with the 3rd Annual Alaska State Planning Conference, the ITE Alaska Section is pleased to be partnering with:
American Planning Association - Alaska Chapter
WTS - Alaska Chapter
to bring you a professional development day featuring a full day workshop by international speaker and executive trainer Shelly Row, PE, PTOE.
Register online at: Workshop Registration

ITE Members receive a $20 registration discount!

2013 Beer & Wine Tasting - Scholarship Fundraiser

Tickets are now available for the
2013 ITE Alaska Section
Scholarship Fundraiser / Beer & Wine Tasting event.
Save the date: Saturday Nov. 9th!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

September ITE Meeting

Active Transportation


Zaki Mustafa, P.E.

LADOT Executive Officer, Project Delivery

ITE International President

When: Tuesday, September 10, 2013, Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, September 6, 2013 to Nicole Knox at 

nknox@rmconsult.com or 646-9647.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Annual Member Survey

The ITE Alaska Section annual survey is now available. Help your officers make our section better! We encourage you to take a few minutes and respond to our brief survey using the link below. Your input is very much appreciated!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

RSVP to Colleen Wilt at cwilt@dowlhkm if you are interested in attending. Thank you!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May ITE Meeting

A/E/C Marketing 101


Skip Bourgeois


SMPS Alaska Past-President
Coffman Engineers Marketing Manager
All employees of design and construction firms play a role in marketing the company. This presentation will cover some of the basics of marketing at A/E/C firms and how all staff can (and should!) be involved.
When: Tuesday, May 7, 2013, Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, May 3, 2013 to Susan Melton-Acheson at

s.melton-acheson@lounsburyinc.com or 272-5451.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Registration Now Open! - 2013 Western District Annual Meeting

Dear Registrants, Exhibitors & Sponsors:
The Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) for the 2013 ITE Western District Annual Meeting is pleased to announce that general registration is now open. On July 14-17, 2013, ITE members from the Western District will gather at the world-class Arizona Biltmore Resort in Phoenix.

Family night promises to be a fun outing at Flip Dunk. And don't forget to take advantage of the many technical tours.

Early registration ends June 16, so don't wait, register now. Registration fees increase after June16.

If you have any questions about registration or payment options, please feel free to contact me. 

On behalf of the Local Arrangements Committee, I look forward to seeing you at our conference in July 2013!


Catherine Hollow
LAC Registration Chair

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

2013 Western District Annual Meeting - Phoenix July 14-17

Dreaming of warmer weather??? You're in luck...

The 2013 Western District Annual Meeting will be held from July 14-17, 2013 in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.  The Arizona Local Arrangements Committee is tasked with providing exhibitors, sponsors, professional, academia, and students with an opportunity to enhance thier careers, share ideas, network at social functions, and recognize our colleagues’ achievements.

Take advantage of all of the following:
  • Technical Program including Planning & Sustainability; Operations & Design; and Bicycles, Pedestrians, Transit, Rail & Safety.
  • Sunshine
  • Technical Tours including Phoenix Sky Train Facilities and the Arizona DOT Operations Center.
  • Warm Weather
  • Exhibitors
  • 0% Chance of Snow
  • MiteY Race
Join the action a day early on July 13th for this year's installment of the MiteY Race. This year's MiteY race is presented in conjunction with the 2013 Western District Annual Meeting as a fundraiser for the Student Endowment Fund. The MiteY Race is modeled after the hit television series "The Amazing Race" with teams following clues and completing challenging but fun tasks. This year’s MiteY Race is themed the “Jewel of the Desert." Student and family/friends teams will complete challenging but fun tasks to solve a mystery at the historic Arizona Biltmore Hotel.

Stay tuned for more information. Check for updates by visiting www.westernITE.org and look for the Arizona 2013 logo to link to the annual meeting. Also visit us on Facebook or contact Kim Carroll, LAC Chair at carrollkim@stanleygroup.com for more information.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

2012 Annual Report

The 2012 Annual ITE Alaska Section Report is now available.

Download a copy of the report here:

2012 ITE Alaska Section Annual Report


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

April ITE Meeting

Seward Highway,
Dimond to Dowling Project

Jim Amundsen, P.E., ADOT&PF Project Manager

When: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, March 29, 2013 to Susan Melton-Acheson at

s.melton-acheson@lounsburyinc.com or 272-5451.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

ITE Alaska Section Scholarship

$$    Attention  ENGINEERING  Students!!    $$

The Institute of Transportation Engineers Alaska Section is excited to announce the start of our local Scholarship Program.

ITE Alaska Section is seeking candidates for the 2013 Scholarship Program now.  One (1) scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded in September 2013.  It is desired that the recipient attend the September ITE luncheon meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 where the scholarship will be presented.

Requirements for Application:

·         Full-time, undergraduate student, with sophomore or junior standing at award date, enrolled in an accredited engineering program at the University of Alaska.
·         Cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or greater.
·         Member of ITE National and the local Alaska Section. National and local membership is free for students!
·         Postmark complete application, with all required signatures, on or before April 26, 2013.
·         Students already on a full scholarship (tuition, room and board, books) at the University of Alaska, are not eligible for this scholarship.

Download the application here:

Thank you to all members and sponsors who made this scholarship possible!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

SWE Professional Development Seminar

The Greatland Section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE Greatland) is extending an invitation to ITE members for their upcoming training. 

Please see the details below:

Topic:  Navigating Conflict Well
Date:  Saturday, March 23, 2013
Time:  9a-1:30p
Location: Beyond Borders (6921 Brayton Drive, Second Floor)

SWE Greatland has asked Christian Muntean from Beyond Borders to help us to explore the difficulties faced in conflict and how to best manage
our own responses to help reach a mutual agreement.
Explore what conflict is and why it gets so weird.
Identify your personal responses to conflict.
Learn a simple tool for reaching agreement.

This will be a four hour training (4 C.E.U.s) with a 30 minute break in which a continental breakfast will be provided.
Cost is $50 per person.
Registration closes Wednesday, March 20th.
Class size is limited, so register early!
If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Mormilo at mormilosl@muni.org

Friday, February 22, 2013

March ITE Meeting

GIS Footprint
ADOT's New GIS Archive System

Andrew Pavey, ADOT GIS Coordinator

When: Tuesday, March 5th , Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, March 1st, to Susan Melton-Acheson at

s.melton-acheson@lounsburyinc.com or 272-5451.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your

Monday, February 4, 2013

IMSA Traffic Signals Level I offered in Anchorage Feb 20 & 21

Please read below for information on an upcoming local opportunity to get International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) training for Traffic Signal Technician Level I Certification.

As the AKDOT&PF continues to move toward requiring IMSA Level II Certification for signal engineers on State facilities, it is very important for engineers that wish to design signals for the AKDOT&PF to plan for and achieve a Traffic Signal Technician Level II  certification. This training and certification opportunity provides the required background information that will allow the technician to learn the material taught in the Level II certification courses.

The Level I class will be offered on Tues & Weds, Feb 20 & 21, at the MOA Transit Center Conference Rm from 8:30 to 4:30.   Depending on enrollment, the class may be moved to another location near the airport.

Cost is $350 for IMSA members and $400 for non-IMSA members.  The cost of the required workbook is $50.  If you bring a previously purchased  workbook, you will not be required to purchase one for the class.

If you only want to take the test, the fee is $100 for members and $150 for non-members.  The test will be offered at the end of the Level I course on the afternoon of the 21st

If you plan to attend or have questions about the certification requirement, please contact:

Val Rader, PE, PTOE, Level II Design
CR Signal Safety Engineer, AKDOT&PF


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

February ITE Meeting

ANC Alaska International Airport System 101

John Parrott, AAE, TSAIA Operations Manager, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport


When: Tuesday, February 5th , Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, February 1st, to Susan Melton-Acheson at 

s.melton-acheson@lounsburyinc.com or 272-5451.

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for unpaid members & guests, and free for students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your

2013 E-Week Banquet - RSVP Soon!

When was the last time you attended an E-Week Banquet? 
You should put it on your list of to-dos this year! 

We have a great presentation topic, awards and more. 
Plus, it’s the one night of the year that engineers across disciplines get together to celebrate the awesomeness of engineering! 
The dudes ditch the khakis and the dames don their dresses.
Plus, you can participate in the scholarship raffle and take home a great gift that benefits future engineers in our community. 

Buy a table or just get a seat (or two).
Folks are friendly and if you mix it up, conversations can be lively!

And now for the nitty-gritty details:
Who:   You!
What:   2013 E-Week Banquet
When:  Saturday, February 23, 2013
             Doors open at 6:30pm
             Dinner is served at 7:15pm
             Program starts at 8pm
Where: Egan Center (555 West 5th Avenue)
Why:   To Celebrate Awesome!
How:   RSVP and show up!

Cost is $60/seat.
Tables seat 10.

RSVPs (including payment) are due by Friday, February 8th to Randy Kinney at:
     c/o Randy Kinney
     Kinney Engineering, LLC
     750 W. Dimond Boulevard, Suite 203
     Anchorage, Alaska 99515
The meal selection sheet got missed in the mailed copies so please print and return with your reservation form!

Questions about the Banquet?
Contact Randy at RandyKinney@KinneyEng.com or 344-7575.