Sunday, January 4, 2015

January Lunch Meeting

Parks Highway MP 237 Riley Creek Bridge
Replacement – using the Construction Management General Contractor method

(a roundtable format presentation)

Presentation by:

Derek Christianson, Michael Baker; Anne Brooks, Brooks & Associates; Lauren Little & Mike Lund, DOT&PF Northern Region; Jesse Peterson & Jon Szymik, Hamilton Construction

When: Tuesday, January 6, 2014, Noon
Where: Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, 4721 Aircraft Drive

Please RSVP by Friday, December 5 to Danielle Fay, ITE Alaska Treasurer, at

Cost is $15 for Alaska Section Members, $22 for non-members & guests, and free for full-time undergraduate students.

An RSVP is a monetary commitment on your behalf whether or not you attend. Substitutions welcome. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions with your RSVP.

Individuals or companies can pay for ITE lunch meetings for their planned attendance for the rest of the year and not have to RSVP or write a check each month. This option is only available to members. Company attendance reservations at each lunch can be used by any member; individual yearly RSVPs are not transferable. Please contact the Alaska Section Treasurer if you are interested in this option.

Media Release: ITE Alaska reserves the right to use any audio, video, and/or photographs of me, or guest, or staff member, participating in any meeting(s) or event for promotional or marketing purposes.